54 Loaded Guns at Airports: Dangerous Weapons Make Traveling By Plane Not As Safe

54 loaded guns at airports throughout the country were confiscated by the TSA (Transportation Security Administration) this past week. The number of dangerous weapons that were attempted to be carried on by passengers is shocking and causes Americans to wonder if traveling by plane is safe anymore.

Over this past week, 54 loaded guns were found during checks at a number of U.S. airports, and 19 of those guns had bullets inside, ready to be fired.

One male passenger even strapped a loaded gun to his prosthetic leg and was arrested by police for concealing weapons.

The TSA reported in a statement, saying that these incidents are "all too frequent." The high number of dangerous weapons found within just 7 days is quite frightening.

The TSA was glad that their officers found these loaded guns before the passengers could board, but says that passengers should still be reminded not to bring these dangerous items with them.

"Sure, it's great to share the things that our officers are finding, but at the same time, each time we find a dangerous item, the throughput is slowed down and a passenger that likely had no ill intent ends up with a citation or in some cases is even arrested," says the TSA.

The penalty for a passenger carrying a loaded gun or other dangerous weapon can be as high as $7,500.

The TSA asks passengers to leave guns and weapons at home, and cites that the most frequent reason for passengers to carry on these items is simply because they forgot that they had those weapons.

The TSA also reported that they have been finding inert hand grenades every week. Whether real or fake, all items that look like bombs and grenades are prohibited.

The frequent findings of dangerous weapons may cause delays in checkpoint screening.

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