North Pole Has Melted Into Lake. Yes, Really.

The North Pole is now...well...a North Lake.

The Arctic Sea has been melting, and the observation station at the Pole currently sits in a shallow lake.

Santa Claus has a swimming hole for the summer, apparently.

The North Pole has been melting since 2002, and temperatures were abnormally above average this year.

July is the warmest month, and it was about 1 to 3 degrees Celcius warmer than normal. This made the ice melt very rapidly.

The shallow lake that can be seen in the photo of the North Pole above is made of meltwater sitting on top of a layer of ice.

"It's a shallow lake. It's a cold lake. But it is, actually, a lake," said William Wolfe-Wylie of

The ice in the Arctic sea changes every year as the seasons do, but it has been melting overall thanks to climate change. Last summer's ice coverage was the lowest on record. And this year's maximum coverage at mid-winter was the sixth-lowest since observations began being taken.

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