Neil Armstrong Dead, Social Media Mourning - One Year Late! [VIDEO] Twitter, Facebook Posts Commemorate Famous Moon Walker All Over Again; "Neil Armstrong Dies Once A Year Now"

Neil Armstrong Death Social Media Mistake: ABC News mistakenly sent out a tweet, now deleted, that said, "Neil Armstrong, First Man on the Moon, Is Dead," and users responded with tweets of their own commemorating the death of the moon man Neil Armstrong.

The problem occurred when ABC News tried to update an article about Neil Armstrong from last year to commemorate his death a year later.  That changed the timestamp on the old article and made it look current, so when the article was tweeted, Twitter and social media users were none the wiser!

ABC News added an editor's note to the original story to explain what happened:

Editor's Note: This article was written and published on Aug. 25, 2012, the day Neil Armstrong died, and was updated this week with a new video to commemorate the anniversary of Armstrong's death. This update changed the time stamp on our mobile site, causing some to share the story on social media thinking we had published news of Armstrong's death today. We regret the confusion caused by the updated time stamp.

User @MVCAgency wrote: "As Twitter mourns the passing of Neil Armstrong a year and two days late, we have to wonder what this says about skepticism on social media."

Neil Armstrong actually died Aug. 25, 2012 after undergoing heart surgery earlier that month.  According to his New York Times obituary, he was "A quiet, private man, at heart an engineer and crack test pilot, Mr. Armstrong made history on July 20, 1969, as the commander of the Apollo 11 spacecraft on the mission that culminated the Soviet-American space race in the 1960s."

Social media can sometimes be easy to fool, especially in this Neil Armstrong social media mistake!  However, social media users took the Neil Armstrong social media mess in stride with many jokes, such as what @Wolfrum wrote: "Neil Armstrong dies once a year now. It's a space-time thing."

Watch Neil Armstrong Land On the Moon Here:

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