Xbox One Release Date: November 8 Leak False? Microsoft Officials Confirm Falsity Of Rumored Launch Date

Kotaku announced that the Xbox One might have a November 8 release date earlier this week, but the website announced the launch date isn't true since a Microsoft official confirmed the rumor's falsity.

"Yesterday, we heard from a source at a marketing company who had seen documentation pencilling the Xbox One in for a tentative, unconfirmed November 8 launch. Today, a source close to Microsoft tells us that's not the case," the website writes.

"The source says to expect the console at a date later than November 8, though obviously still in the month of November, as that's the release window Microsoft has promised for some time."

But the Xbox One launch date was supposedly leaked on Amazon, as a combination of release dates all seem to sync up on November 27, the Inquisitr reports. 

The release date all these things have in common may only be a placeholder at this point, as other games such as Call of Duty: Ghosts have a November 5 release date, or it could be that these items will be sold on that day but all shipped the same day as the console, the Inquisitr also reports. 

But Microsoft - which is reportedly struggling to get enough units manufactured - will want to keep the launch as late as possible, but still in time to be on shelves for the Christmas shopping, GulfNews reports, leaving gamers wondering if they'll launch the console on November 29.

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