Catherine Zeta Jones Bipolar 2 Mental Health Fears [VIDEO]: Will "Traumatic" Split With Husband Michael Douglas Exacerbate Mental Illness Condition? Friend Recalls Happier Times in Marriage Before Divorce Fears

Catherine Zeta Jones Bipolar 2 Mental Health Fears: After the Michael Douglas Catherine Zeta Jones split, a friend is worried for Catherine Zeta Jones' mental illness. 

Catherine Zeta Jones recently checked in to a mental health hospital to deal with her bipolar 2.  She checked in for further treatment four months ago after an initial hospitalization in 2011.

Watch Catherine Zeta Jones Bipolar 2 Mental Health Fears Video Here:

Anna Walker was Catherine Zeta Jones' bridesmaid in her wedding to Michael Douglas.  She expressed deep concern for her friend's bipolar 2 and mental health worries in the Daily Mail, saying: "The next few weeks will be very tough and I'm very worried about her.  This is a very traumatic time and her mental health could be adversely affected.

"I'm sure it's not been easy for her to cope with the stress of Michael's illness. She's just had another round of treatment for her bipolar and if she can keep that in check under all this stress it will be a miracle.

"Her mother Pat is with her at the moment, so I know she's in good hands. And nowadays there is very good medication that can help.

 "It will have hit her very hard because she definitely believes marriage is for once in a lifetime.

"Catherine is very old-fashioned and never wanted to ever go through a divorce. Her parents, Pat and Dai, have been together for more than 50 years and are her role models. She wanted her marriage to be like theirs.

"I don't believe that whatever is troubling them is long-standing. They've always had a terrific marriage. When I saw them on holiday in the summer of 2011, Michael was in cracking form and in amazing good health considering all he'd been through. They were constantly touching each other and exchanging loving glances.

"Over the years, I've spent a lot of time with them, either on family holidays at their homes, or sailing on their yacht. In private, they both try very hard to maintain as normal a life as possible. They are brilliant together and I hope they remain so.

"She's a dependable, loving, passionate person. From the start, it was clear to me just how much in love they were. This was a genuine love match.

"They simply adored each other. They were always touching and laughing. I've seen Catherine with previous boyfriends and Michael really struck me as The One. He's an extremely charming man and simply adored her. They just fit."

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Catherine Zeta Jones
Michael Douglas
