Prince Harry ‘Loves’ Girlfriend Cressida Bonas: Picture Featured On Tatler Magazine Cover Confirms Their Committed Relationship?

Prince Harry and his girlfriend Cressida Bonas were one of the top stories on Tatler magazine. A picture of Cressida Bonas featured on the cover, as well as the tagline "Harry Loves Cressy." Does this confirm their relationship is official and here to stay?

The stunning headshot picture of 24-year-old Cressida Bonas is featured on the magazine's October 2013 issue with a headline that reads "Harry Loves Cressy: 20 Things You Need To Know About Cressida Bonas," The Huffington Post reports.

The Daily Mail speculates that her cover picture suggests that Cressida and Prince Harry are getting serious. Kate Middleton didn't make the cover until 2011, which was eight years after she began dating Prince William, the website notes.

According to The Huffington Post, rumors began to swirl about the couple when Harry brought Cressida as his date to the premiere of "Batman: The Dark Knight Rises" in July 2012.

By February of this year, pictures of the couple cuddling on the slopes in Switzerland served as confirmation of the budding relationship, The Huffington Post writes.

We recently reported that Prince Harry and Cressida went on an African safari trip a few weeks ago, which is interesting because his older brother Prince William proposed to Kate Middleton while vacationing in Kenya.

The Daily Star Sunday quoted sources who said Prince Harry has joked in private that a proposal to his girlfriend could be made "any day" now, The Daily Mail writes.

"The way it's looking now, people close to Harry and Cressida predict an engagement by the end of the year and a spring wedding," a source told the newspaper.

"Cressida is The One. People have heard Harry talking about how special Cress is and about getting engaged," the source continued.

According to The Daily Star Sunday, Kensington Palace and security teams are preparing for an engagement announcement, The Daily Mail reports.

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