Selena Gomez Movie Co-Star Ethan Hawke Feels Sorry For Her; 'I think It's Much More Difficult Today To Be A Young Person And Grow Up,' Says Actor

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Selena Gomez's "Getaway" movie co-star Ethan Hawke recently revealed that he felt sorry that she has to grow up in the limelight at this day and age.

In an interview with Reuters, Hawke admitted that he had it way better rising to fame than Gomez does in an age of media overload.

"It's a very difficult landscape she's trying to navigate right now. I think it's much more difficult today to be a young person and grow up," Hawke said. "The constant buzz and pressure and noise and static of the internet, and the way it makes young people feel, makes it difficult to grow up and develop the way one might want to."

However, despite what year it is, Hawke believes it is a constant struggle to develop a permanent place in the entertainment industry.

"I'm very grateful that when I was first going through this in the early '90s, it was much easier, but that said, the basic facts of it have always been dangerous," said the actor.

In addition, Hawke showed a curiosity in where Gomez's career will lead.

"I'll be curious to see, she's at a really interesting moment in her life. Is she going to continue to be a musician?" the actor wondered. "Is she going to develop as an actress, is she [going to] continue to do both? It's so hard for every young person, trying to figure out the adult you want to be."

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Selena Gomez
Ethan Hawke
