Farrah Abraham Interview Proves She Is Not As Smart As She Thinks: Celebrity Teen Mom/ Pornstar Says Feminist Means Lesbian And Trayvon Martin Was A She

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Farrah Abraham has proven that she is not as smart as she claims to be when she recently revealed in an interview that she didn't know what feminist means.

Miami New Times reporter Allie Conti went through a number of questions with the "Backdoor" star just to help her get a better understanding of the definition of feminist.

When Conti asked the former MTV Teen Mom star if she was a feminist, Abraham took it as a completed different word.

“I’m pretty feminine. I think so,” said the sex tape actress.

When the reporter tried to give the question another attempt, Abraham couldn't hide her confusion.

“What does that mean, that you’re a lesbian or something?” asked Farrah.

“It’s a complicated concept, but I guess at its most basic, it means that women are equal to men,” answered Conti, giving the clueless young mom a brief educational experience.

Eventually getting the hint, Farrah said, “Oh, I definitely feel that women are equal to men. No doubt about that. I mean, women should have equal rights to men, everyday.”

This isn't the first time Abraham made herself look like an airhead. According to "Oh No They Didn't," she thought the late teen Travyon Martin was a girl.

“I feel like I’ve met her or something,” Farrah said about the Florida young man who lost his life to the gunshot of George Zimmerman.

The interview got even more confusing after Abraham divulges she has dreams of opening a "gentleman's club" and "children's clothing store."

Before Farrah starts any kind of business she might want to spend more time with her head in the books than infront of a guy's crotch.

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world news
farrah abraham
Allie Conti
Miami New Times
MTV Teen Mom
travyon martin
george zimmerman
