JD Salinger Documentary Reveals Teen Lover, Unpublished Book Releases [VIDEO]; Jean Miller Inspired "For Esme With Love and Squalor"; Five New Books And More Stories About The Glass Family On The Docket For Publishers?

A new JD Salinger documentary is coming out with bombshell claims about his young loves and also "documented and verified" information about five new JD Salinger books.

JD Salinger is most famous for his work Catcher in the Rye, about protagonist Holden Caulfield.  The new JD Salinger books include one about Caulfield and his family.  There is a book entitled The Family Glass about the Glass family, who also featured in JD Salinger stories.  There is also new material in the new JD Salinger books.

The JD Salinger documentary also explores Salinger's life, including his relationship with a young girl Jean Miller.  Jean Miller describes how she met JD Salinger at a hotel pool when she was only 14: "I was sitting at a pool, I was reading Wuthering Heights. And he said, "How is Heathcliff?""

They exchanged letters for five years, but once she had sex with him, they met only one more time.  Miller said: "I saw this glass curtain come down, and I just knew it was all over."

Nevertheless, Miller remembers Salinger fondly: "He wanted to go below the surface of your life.  Jerry Salinger would say to me, a young girl, "Do you believe in God?" No adult had ever talked to me [like that]. Not only that, no adult had ever listened to me.

"He once said to me, "If you ever lose track of me, just read my stories.""

JD Salinger eventually became reclusive and while he continued writing, he stopped publishing: "There is a marvelous peace in not publishing."

Watch JD Salinger Video here:

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