“Big Ass Spider” [TRAILER] Features Scariest Movie Monster Is The Sleeper Of The Year Film Festival Sensation Released In October

Half-serious monster/horror movies have become a hit. "Big Ass Spider" features (wait for it) a 10-storey tall spider. It might become the sleeper hit of the year after its fall release. Watch the trailer below.

"Big Ass Spider" has the most honest title in all of filmdom, and director Mike Mendez shares the vision behind such a film, which is indie, of course. It would be challenging to pitch it on the major film companies.

In an interview with FEARnet, Mike Mendez, whose previous credits include "The Gravedancers" and video shorts, gives us the rundown on what to expect in "Big Ass Spider" aside from the big ass spider.

Brief synopsis of the movie: "Big Ass Spider is the story of a bumbling but loveable exterminator who accidentally gets roped in to trying stop a genetically engineered run away spider. It becomes a race between him and his lovable security guard sidekick Jose, and the government to see who can stop the spider first."

The movie was originally titled "Dino Spider.": The movie is about a genetic crossbreeding between a spider and something. It was originally a cross breeding of a spider and a dinosaur. There's a way to go with that and there's a wacky way you could do it, but an alien spider seemed more interesting to me. That probably has to do with my immense fandom of the Alien film franchise.

On audience feedback so far (from the various festivals): There is one terrible review out there, but I think it's coming from a disturbed person. It's kind of weird. The major problem that the critic had with the film - aside from the terrible acting, terrible direction, and terrible effects - was that we wussed out on a scene where it looked like a child was going to get impaled. They said we wimped out by not impaling the child. And I was like "What kind of f**king movie do you think this is?" (Laughs). Not that I have anything against killing children [on screen] but I do have something against killing children in a light hearted, funny movie. It wasn't really the tone we were going for. It was one of those situations where the review is so bad that you can't really take it seriously. But, you can't please everybody. And I'm super thankful that we've managed to garner positive reviews, overall.

Watch the trailer for "Big Ass Spider" below then wait for it on October 18.

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