Microsoft Xbox One Launch Scandal: Comic Denies Making Fun Of Transgender Game Blogger At Eurogamer Expo In London

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After being accused of mocking transgender game blogger Laura Kate Dale at the Microsoft Xbox One launch at the Eurogamer Expo in London last weekend, comic Fraser Millward is denying the claim.

Dale is alleging that Millward, who was the MC at the Microsoft Xbox One event, called her onstage to make fun of her for being transgender.

"I was 'he,' 'it.' 'Thing' and 'this one.' I was on stage and they still insist 'we need a woman on stage, any woman here'," tweeted Dale about her experience.

This was followed by Millward tweeting a public apology, but denying Dale's accusations.

“I’d like to express my sadness and dismay at what has ensued following a live stage event at the weekend. No offense was intended when I referred to Laura Kate Dale as ‘this person’ after I asked the audience to applaud her and I would like to take this opportunity to apologize for any offense and hurt I may have caused," tweeted Millward, according to Oh No They Didn't. "There will be no further comment or response regarding this matter. Signing off!”

Since then, both parties have received death threats, triggering Microsoft to make an official statement on Monday.

“We are aware of an incident today on the Xbox booth at the Eurogamer Expo, at which an inappropriate comment was made, and we apologize for any offense caused," said the corporation.

Eventually, Millward broke his silence and reiterated what he said in his original apology.

“To be crystal clear; as mentioned in the Purebox interview, I did NOT use the words ‘he’, ‘it’, or ‘thing’ when addressing Laura on stage…. or any words to that effect," he stressed. "Wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing.”

Speaking of the Purebox interview Millward conducted on Sunday, the comic implied Dale was slandering him.

“There are ways of complaining in a mature way, but this is inflammatory and slanderous. 30 witnesses saw that this did not happen and that I didn’t say those things… I referred to her as ‘this person’, at which point some of the crowd laughed. I should have diffused the situation, but I think that is what’s caused this to happen. I did not refer to the woman as ‘thing’ or ‘it’ at any point.”

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world news
Microsoft Xbox One
Eurogamer Expo
Fraser Millward
