Kanye West 'Yeezus' Remarks In Radio 1 Interview Causes Rocker To Bash Him: 'Get Your Hands Off The Trophy Until You've Earned It,' Said Ian Astbury of The Cult

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After "Yeezus" artist Kanye West said he was "the number one rock star on the planet" in his Radio 1 interview with Zane Lowe, The Cult frontman Ian Astbury had to chime in.

Although Astbury thinks West is talented, the rocker feels it would be best if the rapper let his actions speak for themselves.

“Kanye, I admire him greatly as an artist. He is young, has a great sense of style but he obviously feels like he is not being heard," said Astbury, who is going on tour with the band this month. "If you look at David Bowie, you never read an interview where he talks about what he’s going to do. He just does it."

Astbury went further by suggesting that Yeezy hasn't done anything to really impress him yet.

“I’ve seen the guy perform — he just stands still. Get your hands off the trophy until you’ve earned it," said Astbury about West, according to London Evening Standard.

The Cult frontman believes being an entertainer is for the people and some can lose sight of that.

"It’s not about the accolades — you’re a service. You’re not about your accoutrements — your legacy is being a service," said Astbury. "If I have a little bit more than someone, I’m going to try and pull that brother or sister up. A lot of these successful stars now, once their helicopter has left they pull the ladder up."

Do you agree with Astbury? Has Kanye not earn the right to be too arrogant for his own good?

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world news
Kanye West
Radio 1
Zane Lowe
Ian Astbury
David Bowie
