Chris Brown Discusses Rihanna Domestic Violence Assault In New Interview [VIDEO]; Learned "To Be More Of A Mature Adult"; Fine China Singer Claims He Lost His Virginity At Age 8

Chris Brown revealed in a new interview that the Rihanna domestic violence incident was "one of the most troubling times in [his] life" and "probably the biggest wake-up call for me. "

The Rihanna domestic violence assault was a learning experience for Chris Brown, and he realized that he "had to stop acting like a little teenager, a crazy, wild young guy."

"I learned from it, and it was almost like... I wouldn't say it happened for a reason, but it was something to trigger my mind to be more of a mature adult. To handle myself in situations, don't throw tantrums, don't be a baby about it."

Chris Brown said in the interview with the Guardian that his assault of Rihanna was just an isolated incident: "You can talk with all my girls that I did mess with before, and it's never been a violent history."

Despite reported incidents between him and musicians Frank Ocean and Drake, Chris Brown claims that he has stayed out of trouble since the Rihanna domestic violence assault: "There hasn't been any incident that I started since I got on probation, even with the Frank Ocean fight, the Drake situation, all those were defense modes."

"People think I just walk around as the aggressor, this mad black guy, this angry, young, troubled kid, but I'm not. I'm more and more laid-back. It's just that people know if they push a button, it'll make more news than their music. Attaching themselves to me, good or bad, will benefit them."

Chris Brown suggested that his treatment by the courts - he is still on probation aftert failing to complete his community service hours - is different due to racial bias: "'They want me to be the example. Young black kids don't have the fairer chances."

"You can see Lindsay Lohan in and out of court every day, you see Charlie Sheen, whoever else, do what they want to do."

Chris Brown also revealed the shocking detail that he lost his virginity at the age of eight: "So, at eight, being able to do it, it kind of preps you for the long run, so you can be a beast at it. You can be the best at it."

Watch Chris Brown and Rihanna Video Here:  

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