Ivy’s Surprise Innocent and Bizarre Charm in Self-Taken Photo

Singer Ivy showed off her innocent and comical charm in her latest self-taken photo.

On October 7th, Ivy uploaded a group of photos onto her blog with the caption, "I recently dyed my hair a darker color. Since autumn is here." She continued, "I often hear that I'm very pretty when I keep my mouth shut. If I don't talk, there's no other elegant lady that can beat me. When I part my hair down the middle, I'm silly. I even take self-camera photos."

In the photos accompanying her post, Ivy shows off an innocent look. She looks alluring and attractive with her poses of smiling at the camera in one shot and having her lips slightly parted in another.

In the following photos, Ivy sports a mid-part hairstyle and is making comical expressions at the camera. In one photo she is closing both eyes and making kissy lips at the camera, and in another she is winking.

Internet users commented on her photos, "Ivy really has an unexpected attractiveness," "Ivy is the originator of the bizarre self-camera photos," "Ivy is so funny," "Ivy is really pretty," and "Ivy's comical self-camera photo is the best."

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