‘Avengers 3 Spider Man’ Movie Team Up Coming? ‘X-Force’ Writer Accuses Marvel Studios Of Blocking Toy Tie-Ins! Claims Marvel And Sony Will Join Forces To Shut Out Fox!

Don't look now but the idea of Spider Man joining the Avengers is not only possible..it could happen sooner than you think! But there's an underlying reason for it.

"X-Men: Days of Future Past" is currently breaking their franchise record. Should current top studio Marvel be worried? That is the accusation by Rob Liefeld, creator of X-Force who believes that there could be a diabolical plot to shut out Fox and the mutants.

From a series of tweets from Rob Liefeld, compiled by Movie Pilot:

"X-Men: Days of Future Past will match If not exceed The Amazing Spider-Man 2's domestic box office, meaning lots of eyeballs, but there are no toy tie-ins. The Fox shut out is real.

It's not money that matters in this strategy, it's the hearts and minds of kids/toy buyers, not-too-subtly communicating what's "important."

Captain America: The Winter Soldier and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 toys everywhere, X-Men - zippo. No promotions from toy aisles. Starve those properties. Makes X-Men [box office] comeback impressive!

No emotion in these facts/reporting, it's just numbers and business. But the messages are clear.

X-Men: Days of Future Past toys would get in the way of upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy onslaught of toys.

Bottom line, it's a ballsy move to downgrade properties with high profile, big budget support in favor of stuff you control wholesale. Gotta respect it. And equal respect to those properties slugging it out without equal support across multiple platforms.

You gotta understand, I love this stuff!! I love the business of comic films/brands and the unique situation Marvel has with their licenses.

My un-informed prediction: Sony will split producing/financing w/Marvel on next Spidey film and open door for inclusion in Avengers 3."

The situation with Marvel splitting its characters to three different studios (there used to be more but Marvel Studios have recovered them) have made a lot of awkward situations. This is not the first time there has been some friction between the two studios. They also tangled with using Quicksilver. You might wonder, with all the characters in Marvel and all the mutants in the X-Men world, they would actually tangle over one character!

Sony and the Spider Man franchise is not crossing paths with any of those studios, but it is pretty clear that they are struggling. They have rights to only one super hero and all his villains. They could only stretch that too far before it unravels.

Liefeld has been on a warpath lately. He recently lamented his creation's movie, "X-Force" getting shoved aside by Fox in favor of "X-Men Apocalypse." But he still swears loyalty to the Fox franchise (he has no choice, they own the rights).

"X-Men: Days of Future Past" is currently showing, and "X-Men: Apocalypse" is scheduled on May 27, 2016.

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‘Avengers 3 - Spider Man’ Movie Team Up
Marvel vs Fox
