Star Wars Spin-Off Movies To Be Directed By ‘Fantastic Four’ Josh Trank & ‘Godzilla’ Gareth Edwards Directors – Boba Fett, Yoda Or Han Solo?

Star Wars spin-off movies are going to be directed by "Fantastic Four" director Josh Trank and "Godzilla's" Gareth Edwards or at least one of the planned spin-offs, which is slated for release on Dec. 16, 2016, announced by Disney and Lucasfilm in the official Star Wars website.

The spin-off, which has yet to be named - Boba Fett, Han Solo or Yoda - will offer "new stories beyond the core Saga."

Trank is the newest addition to the planned spin-off and back in 2012, he revealed to Rolling Stone that he once made a Star Wars short film with only $80 budget.

"I had big ambitions to borrow money from people to make shorts, but nobody paid money for shorts. One day I said, 'I don't care - I'm just going to borrow a camera and do some weird idea.' I called up a couple of friends and got five people together one weekend. We spent literally $80 on it, borrowing some fake light sabers and some cheap stormtrooper costumes. I did all the rotoscoping myself, drawing every frame of the light saber effects by hand."

"At that point, YouTube was mainly videos of people doing drunk, stupid shit. I would watch a lot of videos of drunk college kids beating the shit out of each other - I never really had that college experience, so I was obsessed with it, he remembered."

The video that Trank posted on YouTube instantly gained millions of views that paved way to him signing a deal with Spike TV and eventually led him to directing new Star Wars spin-off movies with definitely more than $80 budget.

On the other hand, "Godzilla" director Gareth Edwards also admitted his desire on one day directing a Star Wars film.

"Ever since I saw Star Wars I knew exactly what I wanted to do for the rest of my life - join the Rebel Alliance! I could not be more excited and honored to go on this mission with Lucasfilm," Edwards said in a statement.

Meanwhile, Gary Whitta (Book of Eli, After Earth) has been tapped to pen the script. "From the moment I first saw the original movie as a wide-eyed kid, Star Wars has been the single most profound inspiration to my imagination and to my career as a writer," Whitta said in a statement. "It is deeply special to me, so to be given the opportunity to contribute to its ongoing legacy, especially in collaboration with a film-maker as talented as Gareth, is literally a dream come true. I'm still pinching myself."

Star Wars Episode 7 plot has been reported to pave way for "at least three" spin-off movies according to Disney's CEO Bob Iger, during the company's quarterly earning stockholders call.

It has long been rumored that Darth Vader's notorious bounty hunter Boba Fett is going to have his very own stand-alone film. Joining Boba Fett are Han Solo and Yoda' very own movie as well. had a talk with the actor who played the role of the famous bounty hunter, Jeremy Bulloch in which he believes that his death in the original Star Wars movie paved way to Boba Fett's fame and the said spin off movie.

"No, I didn't know anything at all. You suddenly think to yourself, well that's showbiz. At least when I was told you were doing Return of the Jedi, they were asking for me back so it couldn't be all that bad. But you know, I think it was probably a little bit too quick in getting rid of him. But as I said earlier, sometimes it works out where the character becomes quite popular and a discussion for them can happen. People will say, "Hey did you see the way Boba Fett got snuffed, that was terrible. Why did George do it?" And in a way I think it's quite clever that they got rid of him and it kept everyone talking about him."

The rumor about Star Wars Episode 7 Boba Fett spin-off was first reported by Entertainment Weekly early last year saying that:

"The Boba Fett film would take place either between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, or between Empire and Jedi, where the bounty hunter was last seen plunging unceremoniously into a sarlacc pit. Exactly who would play him isn't much of a complication - in the original trilogy, he never took off his helmet. And in the prequels, we learned he was the son of the original stormtrooper clone, played by Temuera Morrison, who's still the right age for the part if his services were required."

AMC Movie Talk conducted an interview with "Metalocalypse" director, Jon Schnepp who confirms the news adding that the "Empire Strikes Back" writer, Lawrence Kasdan was tapped to write the screenplay. While Schnepp forgot to mention his source he did say, "he knows for a fact," that the Boba Fett spin off movie is in the works.

Looks like Lucasfilm and its mother company Disney has given in to the fans demands believing that Boba Fett's character is in need of a better exposure.

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