‘The Notebook’ 10th Anniversary: Ryan Gosling Wanted Rachel McAdams Kicked Out Of The Set! After 10 Years, 'The Movie Still Sucked' Says Critics!

Celebrating 10 years of the end of "The Notebook," it is revealed that one of the greatest examples of on-screen chemistry between lead stars actually hated each other.  Ryan Gosling loathed Rachel McAdams so much he wanted her kicked out of the set.

The director Nick Cassavettes had a tell-all on VH1:

" Maybe I'm not supposed to tell this story, but they were really not getting along one day on set. Really not.

He narrates: "Ryan came to me, and there's 150 people standing in this big scene, and he says, 'Nick come here.' And he's doing a scene with Rachel and he says, 'Would you take her out of here and bring in another actress to read off camera with me?'

I said, 'What?' Then he says, 'I can't. I can't do it with her. I'm just not getting anything from this.'"

Because of that and other incidents, they felt that the stars needed some kind of therapy:

"We went into a room with a producer, they started screaming and yelling at each other. I walked out ... I smoked a cigarette and everybody came out like, 'All right let's do this.' And it got better after that, you know? They had it out.'"

In the end, the therapy did work.

"I think Ryan respected her for standing up for her character and Rachel was happy to get that out in the open. But the tension did not end with that blowout as the two actors still fought. The rest of the film wasn't smooth sailing, but it was smoother sailing."

It is quite ironic that the two stars eventually dated, on and off for about four years after that. Their on-screen chemistry won them "Best Kiss" in the MTV Movie Awards.

There are critics who watched the film again after 10 years, believing they'll have a different perspective. But the movie is still the same. The key elements that made it 'suck' are still there. From Time:

"The relationship (between Noah and Allie) is not healthy. The first bad sign was when Noah climbed up on that Ferris Wheel and threatened to kill himself by letting go if she didn't go out with him. Sure, it seems cute in the movie, but imagine if a guy did that in real life. You would think he was seriously unstable. Another bad sign: on their first date, he almost got her run over by a car by lying in the street. Excellent."

So the relationship did not start on the wrong foot. But it's not how you start, it's how you finish. Which brings us to:

"Forcing Allie to remember I know it's supposed to be romantic, but isn't it a little bit selfish for Noah to try to make Allie remember everything when he knows she'll forget in a few minutes? When she begins to forget, she finds herself in a vulnerable situation with what she thinks is a stranger and justifiably freaks out. Doctors rush in and giver her a sedative. It just seems mean. Even the kids are not on board with the plan."

Other critics also gave it a strong thumbs down:

"Considering the sunny, relatively pleasurable romantic business that precedes it, the elderly stuff seems dark, morbid, and forced upon us." -Wesley Morris in the Boston Globe

"There's no way to endure the movie without earplugs and a blindfold." -Peter Travers in Rolling Stone

Nevertheless, "The Notebook" is a modern classic. Proof of that-we're still talking about it after 10 years.

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‘The Notebook’ 10th Anniversary
Ryan Gosling
Rachel McAdams
