Avatar 2 Plot Leaked! James Cameron And Original Cast Member Sigourney Weaver Reveal Come Back For The Next Two Sequels As Well!

Director James Cameron is determined to make Avatar 2 plot more mind-blowing and he has been working faster based on the amount of development and computer graphics to make the second movie of the series exceed the expectations of the audiences.

"The first film... took almost four years to make. We expect to be able to accelerate the process quite a bit, because we've improved a lot of the software and the computer graphics tools, and we've been working very closely with Weta Digital down here in New Zealand developing a whole new suite of tools to speed up the process."

James Cameron also revealed that the team is simultaneously working on the plot of the next three sequels of Avatar.

"The second, third, and fourth films all go into production simultaneously," he wrote on a Reddit Ask Me Anything session last weekend. "They're essentially all in pre-production now because we are designing creatures, settings, and characters that span all three films. And we should be finished with all three scripts within the next, I would say, six weeks."

Cameron provided a sneak peak in Avatar 2 plot in an interview that there would be new worlds and new characters that would be introduced in the second installation of the hit scifi franchise.

"We're still in the early stages. Right now we're developing the software. I'm writing the scripts. We're designing all the creatures and characters and the settings, and so on. So, I'm not actually directing yet, but I'm doing all the other creative processes that lead up to that. It's going very well. I think it's going to be spectacular. You'll see new worlds, new habitats, new cultures. The primary conflict between the human view kind of dominating nature and the Na'vi view of being integrated into nature is the same, but it manifests itself in very different ways," he said in an RTL interview.

Meanwhile, director of Titanic and first two installations of the Terminator series also expressed his enthusiasm with 3D as he wants the Avatar 2 and all its planned sequels to be released in 3D.

"I believe all movies should be made in 3-D, forever, but the projection needs to be better and brighter," he wrote during his AMA. "I want people to see in the movie theaters what I am seeing in my perfectly calibrated screening room and people aren't seeing that. Larger formats. I'd love to see screens get bigger."

Meanwhile, original cast member Sigourney Weaver, who plays the scientist Grace Augustine in the first movie and died during the final moments of the film is said to be back in the sequel to play and "transform" into a new character.

The actress confirmed that she would still be in the cast of the upcoming sequels of the movie but sworn to secrecy about the character and her role in the new film. However she hints that her role for Avatar 2 plot will be of importance.

"I can't talk about it, but my part is a little different in each one," she said in an interview with Vulture Magazine. "I'll transform somewhat."

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