‘X-Men Days Of Future Past’ Plot Holes: Wolverine's Claws, Mystique Getting Captured And Magneto's God-like Powers! How Do They Explain This?

"X-Men: Days of Future Past" is the most ambitious production by Fox by far. In an epic movie that deals with time-travel, alternate timelines and about a hundred mutants, plot holes seem inevitable.

Without delving into the time-travel aspect, some of the most glaring plot holes deal with a geographic lapse, unexplained powers and converting claws.

From Movieplotholes.com: "Magneto has a new power in one scene, not only can he manipulate metal, he can also separate it to the microscopic level and implement it to giant robots he never saw, in the dark, in 8 different train cars at the same time, in order to hijack their electrical components he never saw - which puts him very close to omniscience. This power was never seen before or after this scene and with good reasons."

Magneto's powers are never clearly defined, especially in the movies. If it refers to the control of all metal in the same way he did it here, then Magneto would be a god-as he can manipulate all the machines/gadgets that use metal, which is basically everything.

Bolivar Trask becomes a world officer. We knew he was badass, but is he recognized worldwide?

"Trask uses his mutant detector to spot Mystique hiding has a Vietnamese general and orders the soldiers to arrest her. The only problem is that Trask has no authority, he is not the government, he is not on American soil and he is not dealing with American citizens. Vietnamese generals completely agree with Trask the second his plastic toy tells them one of their brothers of war is a mutant - a concept most of them never heard of before."              

Now this is simply a plot hole they hoped no one would notice. The protocol between them was never established, so for them to follow orders that way, that was inexcusable.

Here's a plothole that was resolved (somewhat) even before the movie began. It was noticed from the Empire character covers: "Wolverine lost his adamantium claws in the film The Wolverine and has them magically back on in the future. Did Magneto cover his bone-claws with new adamantium?"

Empire Online did ask that question: "Director Bryan Singer explains that Magneto's ability to manipulate metal might have something to do with it. The Master Of Magnetism could, perhaps, 'reconstitute the adamantium claws... [Wolverine] has a different relationship with Magneto, and perhaps Magneto could forge them.'"

Now, this was something that viewers were looking for in the movie. They thought that would be resolved, but it wasn't. Thus, it is still a plot hole.

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‘X-Men Days Of Future Past’ Plot Holes
