‘Thor 3’ Rumors: Female Thor Just A Gimmick? Third Movie The Last For Chris Hemsworth? Will There Be A Franchise Reboot In The Movies?

The anticipated Marvel-related announcement on The View was suspected to be something about "Thor 3." It was about Thor, alright, but not the movie. Will the gender bender affect Thor as we know him (or her) at the movies?

That would be a case of thinking too far ahead.  So far, the only announcement is that Thor is a woman. The origin and circumstances around that is yet to be determined.

According to the official Marvel release:

Jason Aaron, Senior Writer: "This is not She-Thor. This is not Lady Thor. This is not Thorita. This is THOR. This is the THOR of the Marvel Universe. But it's unlike any Thor we've ever seen before."

Why did Marvel do this? While not using the term, it is, more or less a gimmick. Time.com stated:

"Marvel's intellectual property isn't just doing well, it's doing great. Except in one medium: the one where the characters were first seen-comic books."

So how will Marvel introduce this new character? As of now, we only have theories. From Time.com:

"What will probably happen in the Marvel comic book that introduces the new female Thor is that the male Thor we've all known for decades will either bite the bullet or do something to piss off the hammer. Either option would mean Thor couldn't be Thor any longer, and some female character will come along - whether Asgardian or otherwise - try to pick up the hammer, succeed, and effectively become a female Thor."

Apparently, "Thor" while being the name of Odin's son, also pertains to anyone who can wield the hammer Mjolnir, and eventually also be in charge of its powers.

The explanation from Marvel via Time.com:

"Axel Alonso, Marvel's Editor-in-Chief: She wields the hammer because Thor can't. This is different because for reasons we can't disclose quite yet, Thor is unable to pick up the hammer. There are a number of women in Thor's life, and we're going to tease out for quite awhile the identity of who this woman is. But one of the women in Thor's life picks up the hammer. She is in fact worthy. And she becomes Thor.

There's only one Thor in the Marvel Universe. The character we know as Thor will not refer to himself as Thor anymore."

Will Thor in the movies have a reboot?

Probably not in the near future as presently, Chris Hemsworth has three more Thor movies in his contract (Avengers 2, Thor 3, Avengers 3).Beyond that, anything is possible.

Thor 3 Rumors
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