RHONY Aviva Drescher Has 'No Regrets' On Throwing Her Leg! [VIDEO] 'It Worked, They Fled' To Get Heather Thompson And The Other Real Housewives Of New York City Off Her Back ABout Being Fake On Finale

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RHONY Aviva Drescher Has 'No Regrets' On Throwing Her Leg! The crazy leggy blond came clean as she tells People Magazine that she would throw her leg again if given the chance! Aviva Drescher was so crazy that the finale was still able to deliver despite Bravo constantly showing the RHONY promo. Ever since Bravo released the downright crazy RHONY finale promo, Housewives fanatics have been waiting for the legendary moment when Aviva throws off her prosthetic leg, and Kristen gasps in horror. "There were three shrews attacking me, and I really just wanted them to zip it," she tells PEOPLE. "Some people throw down their glasses when they get angry and I just threw down my prosthesis. And you know what? It worked. They fled...I don't have any regrets at all. I only have experiences that I've learned from. If I could do this all over again, I think I would, because these girls, they just don't listen. They didn't want to hear what I had to say." When People asked the RHONY star if throwing her leg did any damage to the prosthetic, Aviva said, "I don't know what I was more worried about...the Jimmy Choo or my leg, but it all worked out."   

Wow, Aviva is certifiably insane! No regrets? Aviva came of as a creepy, delusional, scary lady and If I ran into her and her fake leg in NYC, I'm running as fast as I can in teh other direction. I could go on to tell you all of the other events that took place on the Real Housewives of New York City season 6 finale, but the 'leg throwing incident' overshadowed any other storyline. I can't even remember what happened to the other Housewives! It was Aviva Drescher vs. every Housewife and the altercation beat any other RHONY feud that ever happened before. Actually it could be Bravo's best finale on any show ever! All of the Housewives show up on time the Team Sonja party at Le Cirque, except Sonja herself and Aviva, which means the women have plenty of time to talk about Aviva before she arrives. Sonja finally makes an entrance an hour later and gives a long, bizarre, nonsensical speech about her 'team' before even greeting the other New York Housewives, which Ramona Singer is happy to publicly point out. Is it me or is every single thing that Sonja Morgan does in a spotlight on RHONY (speeches, a burlesque show, a doggy funeral) totally cringeworthy? Morgan is delusional. But her delusions are nothing compared to the creepiest RHONY character of all, Aviva Drescher. When a 10 pounds less looking Aviva shows up, the other Housewives just start calling out the leggy blond about being a phony and faking her phobias and illnesses. Why do the other RHONY ladies care so much if she's lying about having asthma? They're just giving Aviva exactly what she craves: attention and a storyling on RHONY.

Aviva proceeds to pull out her bag of crazy starting with an x-ray of her lungs, her written diagnosis, and her doctor's business card. "Was this forged by the doctors?" she asks, followed by "call my doctor and ask him!" Heather, who probably detests Aviva more than anyone else on RHONY, gets in Aviva's face saying, "You say that you have never lied to any of us at the table and you find us really hurtful..I find that laughable." This sets Aviva over the edge as she starts the famous rant that will be the butt of every late night joke, the soup, and the talk on WWHL and the RHONY reunion episode that will air on July 29th. "The only thing artificial or fake about me is this!" Drescher yelled as she pounded her fake leg on the table, making the season 6 finale episode the most memorable one to date. "Everything else is real! I'm sick of being called fake!" Next, she picked up the expensive, manicured, fake leg and threw it across the room and the women and other bystanders looked on in absolute shock. The others at Le Cirque are totally shocked, but most of them are laughing. It's the most ridiculous, creepy event to ever occur at the upscale New York City eatery. Aviva has officially lost it.  Luanne said in her RHONY confessional, "They say this is the last straw, well this is the last leg!' Aviva continues to shout and she throws her leg across the table at Heather, yelling, "Take it, Heather! Is this what you wanted? For me to crawl home?" 

Carole is the only New York housewife willing to pick up Aviva's leg and give it back to her. But not without first telling Aviva that 'this is not okay' and that she 'needs help.' She does!

Radziwill joked in her confessional, "It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings . . or the crazy bitch throws her leg."

DO you think Aviva's actions were appropraite on the RHONY finale?

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