Real Housewives Of Orange County Recap: Tamra Barney Stirs The Pot Provoking Terry To Say 'You're Hearing I Want To Take You Down' To Shannon And David Beador Leading To RHOC Dinner Party From Hell

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Real Housewives Of Orange County Recap: Last week Bravo's Orange County Housewives episode was infuriating as the feud between Heather Dubrow and Shannon Beador could have been avoided but got completely out of hand due to the sneaky tactics displayed by the other Housewives in Orange County. Tamra Barney can not stop butting into everybody's businesses. These Housewives could possibly have one nice dinner party if it weren't for Barney. But this Monday Tamra gets exactly what she deserves, finding out that her son Ryan has already started planning his wedding to a girl he just met. Tamra has a nervous breakdown when she finds out that the venue and wedding date have already been chosen. It's really hard to feel bad for Barney after causing so much pain for Shannon and Heather.  I can't believe how much Tamra Barney has stirred the pot with all of the other Housewives and even their hubbies. The heroine in this Orange County episode was definitely Lizzie. Vicki takes second place for avoiding the BS even though her and Tamra are 'so close.' Lizzie  sees right threw Tamra, and notices that if wasn't for Tamra, her dinner party would have been just fine. Shannon asks Tamra if her comment about the Dubrows wanting to 'take down the Beadors' is true, and Tamra denies it. Shcoker! Tamra denies something she said?! Over and done with, right? No. At another crazy Real Housewives of Orange County dinner party Tamra feels the need to bring up what Shannon asked to Terry Dubrow. And Terry is so taken aback that he confronts Shannon, right in front of the entire dinner party. The Housewives hubby screams, "You're hearing I want to take you down?..."I don't want to take you down."  

Tamra was clearly not expecting the outburst, but she should have anticipated some sort of drama when she knows how strong Heather and Terry feel about the Beadors.  So it was her fault for bringing it up in the first place. After that, Lizzie's dinner party turns into an episode of 'The Real Housewives Get Interviewed' with each lady getting a discussion out of the balcony, one at a time, with the person that they've pissed off. So immature! I'm not going to get into the he said/she said debacle because if you're reading this, you've most likey seen the Orange County Housewives episode. If I can dissect the drama as best as possible, I'd say that absolutely none of the drama would have happened if Tamra Barney would stop causing commotion, stirring the pot, lying to EVERYONE. Then Shannon joins the party to make an awkward announcement that she's leaving and that she's sorry she 'got so upset.' Tamra admits the next say that she barely remembers the night. Barney clearly can't hold her alcohol. Maybe she should start eating bread if she's gonna take shots all night! Tamra isn't just two-faced...the Housewives star is straight up four-faced!

Tamra would, and always has on the Real Housewives of Orange County, taken the side of who she is talking to in order to appear as a good friend. But Tamra is quite the opposite. The day after the dinner party, she discusses teh situation with Heather adn Danielle and of course takes Heather's side because Shannon isn't there. Next she will see Shannon and tell her how crazy Heather is! Shannon isn't wrong in her feelings. Either are Heather and her husband. The guilty party is once again, Mrs. Barney. But really at the core of this mess, it was Shannon's mistake on Orange County Housewives for turning to Tamra for support when she should have went to a real friend. The most interesting part of Real Housewives of Orange County this season is that if it wasn't for Tamra, Shannon would really find a real friend in Heather Dubrow.  Tamra proves once again that she is totally incapable of being a loyal friend. Eventually Tamra burns bridges with every Orange County Housewife who has ever been on the show whom Tamra was close to at one point. 

I love people's comments over the internet so I will retype some of them:

Tkporter wrote: The problem is Heather is the one person that would be true to Shannon and they don't get along....certainly Vicki and Tamra aren't "real friends". Keep Lizzie and Heather and get rid of the rest of these wackos.

'Michelle' wrote: Omg, I'm not sure if it's editing or if Shannon actually is like this, but she is acting crazy! I think her husband is going to watch these episodes and divorce her. I am Team Heather too. Firstly, like a classy lady, she cuts with her words, not her voice or her fists. Secondly, she doesn't need the drama to stay on the show, her husband makes enough for the both of them. I think Tamra is definitely stirring the pot. But Shannon needs to get her act together and stop being personally/emotionally affected by other's actions. If she didn't want her marital problems to be aired, why did she say to Tamra (the notorious backstabber) and when the cameras were rolling? That, to me, seems crazy. Yes, Tamara should zipped it b/c the conversation was made in confidence, but if Shannon wanted to keep it private, she should've kept it to herself. Alternatively, she should've called someone she trusted, not a girl she acquainted couple months ago on a reality show. Shannon is to blame here.

Belle wrote: I think why Shannon went crazy is that Tamra is lying in her face. Shannon didn't pull that out of thin air. She drops the turd and watches as everyone else tries to clean it up. Have you ever been in that situation? It does and did make her out to look like the crazy lady. Tamra is such a trash hole liar. What do you expect from a girl from Iowa.

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