Kevin Smith Comic Con 2014: Clown Prince Of Comic Con Calls 2014 Event 'Game Of Thrones' Between Joss Whedon And Zack Snyder!

Kevin Smith, writer/director but recently more notorious as the ultimate fanboy is a fixture at Comic Con. In 2014, he believes the King of Comic Con title is a toss-up. Marvel and Warner/DC's head honchos go on a full speed collision!

Yahoo movies caught up with Smith clowning around the convention:

"Do you feel you're the king of Comic-Con?

KS: God, I wish. I think that crown, like most king's crowns, gets passed along. If anything, I'm the f-king clown prince of Comic-Con. But it's a struggle for the crown. It's kind of like Game of Thrones. Right now, there are two people struggling for the crown."

And it was easy to identify which ones, although there were a lot of great panels.

"Who's that?

KS: One is Joss Whedon, for Avengers 2. And the other is Zack Snyder for Batman v. Superman. And by the end of [Saturday], we're going to know who the real king of Comic-Con is. It's one of those two guys. [They're] the guys making the two movies that everyone here, from adult to child, wants to see. It's like [Jon] Favreau when Favreau was doing Iron Manand Iron Man 2: He absolutely wore the crown. Because not only was he making a comic-book movie, he made an amazing comic-book movie that kick-started a f-king name brand that everybody trusts as much as they trust Pixar.

Believe me I know my place. I walk around here, [and] it's one of the only places in the world where people aren't like, "You f-king fat piece of s-t!" Everyone's like, "Hey, Kev!" So I know I have a place here. But the iron throne is reserved for those who can actually show [fans], in a different medium, something they've loved their whole lives from comic books."

Not even the alleged fake Batman V Superman script that (wrongly) implicated him could destroy his fanboy cred.

He has been to this event since forever, and now Comic Con has gone absolutely bananas! How does he feel about that?

"Do you think Comic-Con has gotten too massive for its own good?

KS: No. Keep going. Make it bigger. Get it to 500,000. Get it to a million. It's a celebration of the popular arts; there is no ceiling on that. I know there's always this argument: 'Is it too big?' But I would like to see it keep going. A celebration of popular arts - that belongs to everybody."

It's gotten so big that he hasn't been directing lately and is now more of a fanboy. For some critics, it might be better that way!

Kevin Smith Comic Con 2014
joss whedon
Zack Snyder
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