2PM Wooyoung, "I Think Infinite Is Really Talented, It Motivates Me"

Group 2PM and now a solo singer Wooyoung complimented his junior idol group Infinite.

In a recent interview with TV Report, Wooyoung said, "I've been noticing lately how good Infinite is. They were different the moment I first saw them."

He continued, "I've talked with 2PM members about this too, but we felt like they will for some reason keep improving and getting bigger. The performances that Infinite has been showing was never shown before by any other groups, and they show dances that fit them well, instead of just forcing themselves to look like strong men."

He also added, "I have a dream of becoming a producer, and I want to one day make a group like Infinite", not holding back his compliments for Infinite.

Wooyoung finally said, "There are so many talented kids in new idol groups so to be honest I get insecure about myself. But there's also meaning in working harder even through those insecurities, so I think we are good motivations to each other."

Wooyoung released his solo album 23, Male, Single on the 8th and is planning to show a sexy performance through his title song "Sexy Lady".

Photo Credits: JYP

23 Male Single
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