‘Winds Of Winter’ Release Date Finally Confirmed For Next Year? Author George R.R. Martin Lengthens Wait With New Book Set To Hit The Market

The "Winds of Winter" release date is still not clear although George R.R. Martin will release a "Game of Thrones" book this October, but it's the opposite of what fans wanted as they wished the author would concentrate on finishing the sixth book of "A Song of Fire and Ice" series.

According to Mashableauhtor George R.R. Martin has confirmed the release of "The World of Ice and Fire: The Untold History of Westeros and the Game of Thrones," on October 26 in New York.

Fans have all expressed their wishes in the past for the author to stop all his extra-curricular activities in order to give way to the "Winds of Winter" release date

The FiveThirtyEight site, which is run by statistician Nate Silver, attempted to predict the "Winds of Winter" release date by analyzing the author's writing pace.

The process of predicting the release date is called "Martinology," which Nate Silver describes as "the pseudoscientific process by which fans attempt to predict the release date for the forthcoming 'The Winds of Winter.'"

"In October 2012, Martin told a reporter that he had written about 400 pages, but he hasn't commented on his progress since," the website reported.

But he said that the author will average just 300 words per day, he could push the "Winds of Winter" release date to February 2015.

While the "Winds of Winter" release date is still in limbo yet HBO's hit series "Game of Thrones" is quickly gaining pace to catch up with the events in "A Song of Fire and Ice."

Editor Anne Lesley Groell said during a Q&A with fans published on Suduvu universe that although she has no idea about George R. R. Martin's "Winds of Winter" release date in "A Song of Fire and Ice" series, she said that they hope "to have it reasonably soon."

"When I have a date, you will have a date," she said in reply to a fan who wanted to know the George R. R. Martin's "Winds of Winter" release date.

Winds of Winter
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George R.R. Martin
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