Kate Upton’s Nude Photo Leak Links Remain In Google Despite Boyfriend Justin Verlander’s Request? Exhibit Featuring The Other Woman Actress' Photo Cancelled

Kate Upton's nude photo leak links have remained in Google search results despite boyfriend Justin Verlander's request. Meanwhile, the exhibit featuring the racy pics of "The Other Woman" actress and Jennifer Lawrence was cancelled after the organizer admitted that the materials were stolen.

According to Torrent Freak, Justin Verlander's lawyers sent Google a takedown request in connection to the Kate Upton's nude photo leak. The takedown notice reportedly included the links to the nude photos of celebrities.

"It's quite unusual for Google's takedown team to be confronted with a long link of naked celebrity pictures," the websites said. "This may explain why it took a while before a decision was reached on the copyright-infringing status of the URLs, a process that may involve a cumbersome manual review."

After an extensive assessment from the Google team, the search engine giant decided to take down not even half of the links submitted by Justin Verlander's lawyers in relation to the Kate Upton's nude photo leak.

So what could be the reason for Google's inaction on the demand? Torrent Freak said that Justin Verlander might have claimed copyright infringements on the images in the Kate Upton's nude photo leak, but he only has rights to the photos that he himself took.

Meanwhile, the artist behind the "No Delete" exhibit, which is set to take place at the Cory Allen Contemporary Art gallery in St Petersburg, Florida, apparently will not pursue the project anymore.

"It wasn't just about being 'hacked' images anymore, but now presented in the media as stolen property," XVALA said, according to UK's Independent. "People were identifying with Jennifer Lawrence's and Kate Upton's victimization, much more than I had anticipated, which is powerfully persuasive."

The artist said that the exhibit-which features, among others, the Kate Upton's nude photo leak and Jennifer Lawrence's racy pictures-was "about self-examination in our current culture."

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