Kanye West 'God Level' Ego? 'Yeezus' Rant At Brisbane Concert: Media 'Pick A New Target'

Kanye West stopped a Brisbane, Australia concert mid-song, as he is wont to do, to go on a five-minute rant about the media, on Monday. The rapper, who has come under massive fire since Friday, for an incident in which he stopped in the middle of another concert to single out two handicapped people in the audience for not standing, apparently feels that the press has been unfairly casting him in a negative light.

“What I want you to do,” West began, “I want you to run the video everyone’s talkin’ about, where I so-called screamed at somebody and everything. I want you to run that, right, since this is such big media-press-news and everything that obviously they trying to demonize me.” The rapper went on to insist that the story had been blown out of proportion, saying, “It makes you want to reflect on what are the things that are a little bit more sensationalized than others.”

During the course of West’s speech, he brought up the fact that he is a “married, Christian man with a family,” referred to what he does “real artistry,” and demanded that the media “pick a new target.” He said of his tendency to offend, “that’s my brand,” and insisted, “At my concerts, I make sure everybody has as good a time as possible.”

Two people who might not have had “as good a time as possible” at one of West’s shows are the ones who were publicly humiliated in Sydney last week. During that concert, West infamously demanded that everyone stand, then pointed to the two wheelchair-bound audience members, saying, “two people there that don’t want to stand up.” The rapper’s fans booed the two patrons as West exclaimed, “This is the longest I’ve had to wait.” Eventually, one of the concert-goers was able to persuade the rapper that she was disabled by waving her prosthetic leg, but West actually sent a security guard to verify that the other, a child, really was handicapped. Once satisfied, the rapper simply said, “he is in a wheelchair? It’s fine,” and proceeded with the show. 

Kanye West
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