WATCH Handsome Homeless Man Survives On Street By Having One-Night Stands: Begs During Day Then Party At Night To Lure Target

Is this guy living the dream or what?

A video from Elite Daily has been making its rounds on the internet recently. It chronicles the exploits of a homeless millennial who gets by on going home with women he meets in bars and on streets of New York.

Like your typical streetman, the 26-year-old Joe relies on the kindness of strangers to make money. He says he makes around $150 a day from begging. He usually spends this on drug, alcohol, keeping up his appearances and buying women drinks.

As Elite Daily describes it, "his only responsibility is to not look homeless." Joe's appearance is crucial to his survival.

The magic happens at night when he cleans up his look and focus on meeting women he can go home with. And even though Joe has only four different outfits, he claims his arrogance and swagger charm women into inviting him into their homes for up to several nights at a time.

He says this tactic provides shelter about three to four nights out of every week. Sometimes, he even manages to sleep with a woman for a few days before he gets thrown back out on the streets.

With his neat hair and beard clipped, most of the women he goes home with don't seem to realize that he lives on the street. He tells Elite Daily, "If I strike out on a weekend night, it'll be seven o'clock in the morning and girls will go wake me up and they'll be like, 'you passed out on the sidewalk, you need to go home. I say I f***ing am home!'"

The thing is Joe, doesn't even consider himself a "bum". When asked what he does think of himself as, he answers, "A gypsy."

"Never become like me," Joe says near the clip's end. "Ever."

He says, "This abstract lifestyle is not for everybody. And I'm pretty sure that if you look around you ... at the homeless people in New York City, I'm the only one that can pull this s--t off."

And adds "I might sleep on cardboard like two or three nights a week but I literally wake up every single day and do whatever the f*** I want."

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homeless man
one night stand
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