President Obama Reveals New Energy Efficiency Measures: Contribution of $68 Million In Federal Funds Will Go Towards Renewable Power Projects In Rural Areas; Further Focus On Solar Power [PHOTO]

USA Today reports that the White House has just revealed more than 50 new public and private efforts to boost energy efficiency in the United States. $68 million dollars in federal funds will go towards 540 renewable power and energy efficiency projects in rural areas, including solar projects.

According to CTV News, the solar power initiative will include the training of veterans to become solar panel installers in the next six years. This effort is part of the a proposed job training program, which the White House says will cut carbon dioxide emissions by more than 300 million tons through 2030 and save billions of dollars on energy bills for homeowners and businesses.

It is scheduled to launch this fall at one or more military bases, and is planning to train a total of 50,000 people, including veterans.

While attending the United Nations Climate Summit this past Tuesday, the White House also announced initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The government has made commitments with 19 major US companies - such as Kroger, Target, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and DuPont - in order to reduce the usage of a coolant used in many cars, homes, and buildings for refrigeration. This coolant is a potent greenhouse gas, and its increasing absence will hopefully be able to make a difference.

Furthermore, Yahoo News reports that the Housing and Development Department has agreed to let its loan guarantee funds for states and communities be used for solar and energy efficiency projects.

These proposals are just a fraction of what President Obama has asked Congress to provide through legislation in order to promote clean energy, invest in infrastructure projects, and force reductions in carbon dioxide emissions.

President Obama will attend a one-day United Nations summit on climate change next week, where he expects heads of state to show up with commitments in order to help curb carbon dioxide emissions at home.

White House
Energy Efficiency
Renewable Energy
President Obama
UN Climate Change Summit
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