A Netflix Spoilers Campaign Exists; Online Streaming Service Creates Website Devoted To Giving Spoilers About Your Favorite Movies And TV Shows

A Netflix spoilers campaign has been released. The online streaming service appear to believe that knowing how the story of the show or movie you are going to watch will pan out is completely normal.

Netflix spoilers are reportedly abundant in the service's dedicated website.

Upon accessing the website, you will be welcomed with a message that says "Living with spoilers; some secrets are too good to keep."

You will have the option to take a quiz to answer the question "what kind of spoiler are you?" As well as learn which spoilers are in the public domain. With the warning sign above it, you can also click on "Spoil Yourself," which prompts one to prepare for an onslaught of major information about television shows and movies.

When you take the quiz, you will then learn what kind of spoiler you are. The choices included in the profiling vary. One may be classified as a "Clueless Spoiler" who, according to the website, "live in their own innocent world where once they've seen it, everyone else must have too, so it never dawns on them that they're casually revealing huge plot twists."

There's also a "Coded Spoiler," who is said to "speak the language of spoilers so fluently, they can sneak them into conversations where only another fan can find them."

The "Shameless Spoiler" is reportedly one who "[spills] the beans without mercy or malice" whether it's in a form of a tweet or injected in personal conversation.

You may have a friend who is a "Power Spoiler," which Netflix described as a "frenemy [who] is always two steps ahead of you and wants you to know it."

The "Impulsive Spoiler" is described as "an innocent victim of their own passion ... so thrilled they give away the next three seasons in a single breath."

According to Vulture, the online streaming service first conducted a survey before diving into the Netflix spoilers campaign. And according to the study, 94 percent of the respondents said that they will continue watching a TV series even if they already heard spoilers about it.

Netflix Spoilers
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