Cortana Speaks Klingon: Microsoft Teaches Virtual Assistant Star Trek Language In Order To Celebrate Third Annual Star Trek Conference In London And Launch The Lumia 830 [PHOTO]

This week, Microsoft is sponsoring the third-annual Star Trek conference in London. In order to simultaneously celebrate the launch of the Lumia 830 and all of the Trek-flavored nerdiness that is sure to occur, Microsoft taught its Cortana digital assistant Klingon, the language spoken by Klingons in Star Trek. Pretty cool, right?

According to The Verge, the Klingon feature is activated by asking Cortana to "speak Klingon." Furthermore, Microsoft has added a number of other Star Trek themed responses.  The phrases "beam me up," "set phasers to stun," and "do you know commander data" all work, as well as simply saying "engage."

However, Cortana is far from speaking Klingon with fluency. PC World reports that she can speak when asked to, but she is unable to hold a conversation or translate from other languages. Furthermore, her pronunciation is a bit off.

Nevertheless, Cortana is evolving consistently and is one of the key pieces in Microsoft's Windows strategy. It is being positioned as a more advanced alternative to Siri and Google Now in its advertising, and will soon be able to do nifty things like tell you when your favorite musician is playing nearby.

Dave Coplin, Microsoft's chief envisioning officer, revealed today that Cortana's Star Trek responses were engineered because engineers working on Cortana are fans of Star Trek. The Klingon feature is just one of the latest in a series of improvements to Cortana that add functionality and features.

Engadget reports that the technology enabling Cortana's new behavior isn't available outside of the United Kingdom yet, but Starfleet commands should be able to work in the U.S. in the coming weeks.

star trek
Lumia 830
Dave Coplin
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