Stephen Collins: Experts Says Alleged Molestation Victims Will Not Come Forward As They Don’t Want To Deal With The Embarrassment That’s Attached With The Sexual Abuse!

Will any of the young girls, Stephen Collins allegedly molested speak out? Find out what a top Post Traumatic Stress Disorder expert told

Steven Ornstein, Los Angeles based therapist told that often sexual abuse victims are riddled with humiliation and a feeling of self-consciousness, shame or awkwardness. Since Stephen Collins' purported shocking confession has been released to the public, will those who were allegedly assaulted speak up about the pain and anguish they have gone through or will they remain silent?

With the news that Stephen Collins allegedly molested at least three underage girls, we hope that the alleged victims can find some kind of comfort if possible. An expert explains what could happen now.

Co-founder of Neurodevelopmental Learning Institute and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder expert, Steven Ornstein told "I wouldn't be surprised if none of the victims in this Stephen Collins case come forward. They don't want to deal with the embarrassment, shame and stigma that's attached with the sexual abuse," he further explained, "It's important that victims of sexual abuse and molestation get help to release the shame and/or guilt they may feel. There are groups they can join and gain a sense of community and trust. Unresolved trauma from sexual abuse can lead to drug addition, alcohol abuse, abusive relationships. Many of the victims blame themselves. Children are supposed to be able to trust adults,"

Regretfully, Dr. Ornstein says there is no cure for child molesters.

"There's really no such thing as a cure when it comes to child molesters, that's why a pedophile has to register as a sex offender when he or she is found guilty. There is a high percentage of repeat offenders. Most sex offenders are repeating history. They are more often than not victims of sexual abuse. They were molested or abused when they were children," Dr. Ornstein explains.

Although there may not be a cure for sexual offenders, help like support groups are there to help.

Dr. Ornstein said, "Sex offenders can get help by going to therapy and participating in support meetings. There are support groups out there."

Our prayers and thoughts go out to all of those involved in this depressing and sad story.

Stephen Collins
Steven Ornstein
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