Shinhwa's Kim Dongwan Confesses: "I'm Ignorant"

Shinhwa's Kim Dongwan confessed to being ignorant.

On Saturday's episode of JTBC's "Shinhwa Broadcast," the members were selecting one who was totally not useful in a quiz program. Kim Dongwan wrote his own name in.

The theme of the episode was "Friendship Channel" and with 50 people as a friendship judge committee, Shinhwa's everyday life was analyzed to see who would be the best friend. 

One of the criteria for being a good friend was to be a smart friend. The crew and MC Son Bum Soo prepared a knowledge quiz. They weren't able to get the answer right for the second question in round 1 and they had to pick someone to be eliminated and they all unanimously picked Kim Dongwan, who also voted for himself. 

When asked why he picked himself, he responded, "Most viewers think I'd be good at the quiz thing but actually I'm quite ignorant."

Eric responded by saying, "I'm sure viewers agree with your elimination," sending the set into laughter.

Photo Credit: JTBC

Shinhwa Broadcast
Kim Dong Wan
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