Shin Dong Yup Reveals 3-Year-Old Son Staring at Female Mannequin in Underwear

Shin Dong Yup revealed a picture of his three-year-old son.

In KBS "Hello" aired today, Shin Dong Yup confessed a concern about his son, bringing laughter.

On this day, when Shin Dong Yup was asked to talk about his son, he said "He's three, but he doesn't even ask for toys. He's innocent and calm wherever he goes."

But he continued, "Last time we were passing by stores he all of a sudden stopped walking and wouldn't continue. So I asked, 'What's wrong?' as I looked, and it was an underwear store for women. He was standing in front of a mannequin, staring, and it was really funny."

He also added, "I was a bit shocked, but I realized 'He really is my son'", bringing laughter to the filming studio.

Photo Credit: KBS

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