'Conflicting Statements' Soyeon Vs. Kim Kwang Soo, 'T-ARA Crisis' Again?

The 'conflicting statements' between Kim Kwang Soo's announcement and Soyeon's interview have been becoming quite an issue. The 'T-ARA crisis' seems to be heating up again.

After the bullying rumors and Hwayoung's dismissal from the group, member Soyeon was the first to speak about the situation.

When asked about the problems within the group, Soyeon replied ,"8 girls in their teens and 20s are all living together. Everyone wants to be the center of attention and be loved by everyone. There is no way that we wouldn't have conflict. We fight and make up every day. The conflict with Hwayoung was similar. And if you're asking if were on bad terms, I can only say that all 8 of us are on bad terms then."

Soyeon also replied, "It is true that were a bit disappointed with Hwayoung at the Japan concert. We asked our CEO to 'take care of the situation' but we did not know that that would lead to her dismissal." Her answer proved that there was a bit of conflict within the group, but it did not 100% answer the question of if there was bullying or problems.

Soyeon also commented that the members did not want or demand Hwayoung to be dismissed from the group. She continued, "We found out about her dismissal through the news and we were very disappointed with our CEO. We had only asked him to help fix our little conflict. If she leaves our group, the blame would be turned on us. However, our CEO stated that this was best for her. We were all very frustrated."

It seemed that Soyeon's statement and CEO Kim Kwang Soo's statement were conflicting with each other.

Soyeon had described her statement as saying that T-ARA did not have any bullying problems within the group and had nothing to do with Hwayoung's dismissal. Kim Kwang Soo, however, stated that this decision was made with the staff members and stayed up until 7 AM trying to persuade the members about this decision.

With the 'T-ARA Crisis' and Hwayoung's dismissal from the group, CEO Kim Kwang Soo simply stated that it was due to Hwayoung's 'rash behavior' that they decided to terminate her contract. Hwayoung's apology message on twitter made the public side with Hwayoung and believe that the company made her write those messages.

Soyeon and Kim Kwang Soo's conflicting statements have made the 'T-ARA crisis' rise above the surface once again.

It seems that Soyeon and Kim Kwang Soo's statements are both not being accepted by the public.

Comments such as, "What are we supposed to believe?", "Is this a drama? Why do I feel like I'm watching a drama", "Soyeon's tears seem like a lie" and "I feel bad for the CEO. He is having to be responsible for the member's mistakes," were seen about the situation.

Some other comments included, "I can see that from a company's point of view, they would want to release only certain information in order to protect their artists, but depending on the situation that is" and "Having Soyeon release her statement has made the situation worse, it makes it look like she was forced to say that in order for people to feel sorry for T-ARA." It seems that with these two conflicting statements, the 'T-ARA crisis' continues.

Kim Kwang Soo
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