Actor Ricky Kim Reveals His Past Hardships As Mixed Korean American

The Korean-American actor Ricky Kim revealed his history of going through an identity crisis when he was young.

Ricky on this past Sunday's broadcast of "Laws of the Jungle 2," revealed as he was not a full Korean or a full American by blood, he was treated poorly growing up by his peers.

Ricky confessesd, "When I came to Korea, I was treated as an American, and when I went to America, I was treated as a Korean. Because of this, I was always a loner. So that's why I exercised and studied hard. Only if I was in first I thought I could show them who I was. I wanted to show them that I was a person."

He also said, "I always kept my head down. I didn't have to confidence to raise my head. I just studied hard." 

In related news, footage of what it was like to live in the Siberia Tundra was revealed on this episode. 

ricky kim
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