'Freeheld' Actress Ellen Page Faces Bump In Filming Movie; Catholic School Rejects Request To Shoot In Campus

"Freeheld" actress Ellen Page faced a setback in the movie's filming as Catholic school turned down the request to shoot in the campus.

In a report from BuzzFeed, "Freeheld" actress Ellen Page, who is listed as the executive producer of the film, and the rest of the production staff were told that they couldn't shoot scenes at the Salesian High School, which is an all-boys Catholic school in New Rochelle, NY.

Michael Shamberg, the film's producer, told the website that they sent an email to the school principal John Flaherty, who told him to forward the request to school president, Father John Serio. But they never heard about the request since then.

"I respect their right to say no but it's sad," he said.

The topic of "Freeheld" could have something to do with the decision.

The film "tells the story of how a lesbian couple fought discrimination more than 10 years ago to extend domestic partner benefits. With same-sex marriage spreading state by state this year, the movie - which stars Julianne Moore and Ellen Page, who is also a producer on the film - might feel like it took place a long time ago,"Buzzfeed said.

The film is an adaptation of a documentary short by Cynthia Wade, which won an Oscar in 2007. "Freeheld" actress Ellen Page will play the younger partner to the New Jersey detective played by Julianne Moore who applied to leave behind her pension to her partner.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, as reported by E! News, Michael Shamberg emailed the principal assuring him that the film is "not about gay marriage, nor are the women attempting to get married. It is about recognizing the dignity of a woman who was a brave civil servant."

"I believe the theme of the movie is what Pope Francis recognized just yesterday when he called for the Church to welcome and accept gay people," his email continued.

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