No More Movies For Zoe Saldana? ‘Guardians Of The Galaxy’ Actress Reportedly Planning To Take A Break From Acting After Birth Of Twin Boys

Now that actress Zoe Saldana is reportedly about to welcome twin boys into her life, the mom-to-be is taking a break from making movies.

In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, the pregnant "Book of Life" star discussed her plans to trade work for motherhood, at least for a little while.

When asked about how she plans to balance roles in the impending sequels for three of her hit film franchises, "Guardians of the Galaxy," "Avatar," and "Star Trek," the 36-year-old revealed that her acting jobs will also have to accommodate her new role as a mom.

"I know that we will work everything out. I have to say, I'm very lucky," said Saldana. "The great thing is that all the producers and creators involved in the projects that I've done-Avatar, Star Trek and Guardians-they're very good people. So, they've been very understanding, especially with what's happening in my personal life. I've gotten nothing but support. To know that we are getting to that place where women can have that support from male driven workforces is-I have to say, it's very inspiring."

Saldana is reportedly expecting twin boys with husband Marco Perego.

In terms of working around her personal life, Saldana affirmed that the teams behind her wildly successful films will have to give her time with her children.

"They don't have a choice! I'm not going to rip my child off my tit to go work. And if I do that, then maybe you shouldn't hire me because I am willing to sell anything," said Saldana.

"It's nature! Like, you just cannot do it," she added. "What kind of mother would I be? There's no choice. It's like, 'What, you want me to leave my newborn so that I can work 16 hours on your set? He's only a month old, are you out of your mind?'"

"And the good thing is that half of the people you work with are all parents, and they get it," added the actress. "They probably have strong wives at home that are probably going to look at them going, 'Are you out of your mind?!' See, it's having strong women around you! Once we all come together, it's perfect."

Zoe Saldana
zoe saldana pregnant
zoe saldana baby bump
guardians of the galaxy
guardians of the galaxy 2
Avatar sequels
star trek
Star Trek 3
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