iCarly Star Miranda Cosgrove Claims Hefty Sum For 2011 Bus Crash; Accident Led To Career's Collapse?

The bus company and the semi involved in the 2011 crash were sued by "iCarly" star Miranda Cosgrove for a hefty compensation claim as she said that the incident was instrumental for her career's slide. The lawsuit also includes the two drivers.

An article from TMZ  explained why "iCarly" star Miranda Cosgrove is suing for a large amount of money.

"She says the extensive injuries she suffered while on her tour bus that collided with a semi derailed 25 booked concerts, which would have netted her nearly $400,000," the report said. "Miranda says she lost another $560K in future shows."

Also, iCarly" star Miranda Cosgrove claimed that Sony Music dropped her after the accident because she could not meet the contract stipulations of her Dancing Crazy Tour. On top of that, Neutrogena also dumped her due to her injuries. That cost her another $400,000.

Miranda Cosgrove said that she couldn't have fulfilled her contract obligations and go on tour because the accident left her confined to a wheelchair for months.

"All told ... Cosgrove's team says her losses could be as much as $2.5 million," TMZ added.

Court documents initially revealed that the accident could have been avoided had both the drivers of the bus and semi managed to keep a "safe and proper lookout."

In lawsuit filed by "iCarly" star Miranda Cosgrove, the actress claimed that she and her mother lost their ability to function normally after they were "disfigured and disabled."

The lawsuit is not the only thing on "iCarly" star Miranda Cosgrove's plate as earlier this month, she managed to secure a restraining order against an obsessed fan who threatened to commit suicide just to prove his love for the Nickelodeon actress.

"A judge ordered Joshua Stockton to stay at least 100 yards away from Miranda and banned him from contacting her for the next three years," MailOnlinsaid.

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