K-Pop Girl Groups Bullying Problems, Is There Any Way to Stop This?

'Girl group bullying issues' are always going to be a constant problem.

Starting with the 'T-ARA crisis' and Hwayoung, last week's episode of SBS "Strong Heart" showed Jewelry member Lee Ji Hyun talking about their past and the rumors they had about bullying. Because these bullying issues have become a social problem, agencies have been trying to find a solution on how they can block these situations from happening.

There are many different reasons for bullying to occur, but the two most agreed upon ones are jealousy and different opinions. It could be because one member is more popular than the rest or due to clashing opinions on various situations. This is why agencies have created a new concept called 'Discussion time'. During these meetings, all the members of the group meet with their agency and talk about what is on their minds and what they would like to fix. It's easy for groups to take sides with one another and so by using this method they can prevent things like that from happening.

Due to some members having much different living patterns, some agencies have stopped dorm living. One official commented, "Boy groups get over fights very easily, but for girl groups, they hold everything in and is harder to fix the problem. That is why we think dorm living is not the best for girl groups. If they have to be in a dorm together, we make sure that they have a certain time where they can go their own homes for awhile."

Another way is to make groups that have a large age gap or experience gap because then they will be able to accept and give up easier because "she is younger than me" or "she is older than me."

They also try to have more members appear on shows for schedules even though only one member is scheduled for the show. Mixing these members together prevents members from becoming jealous of one another as well.

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