Die Antwoord Gets Dissed By 'Chappie' Co-Star Brandon Auret; Calls Them 'Arrogant?'

The "Chappie" movie has been gaining more notoriety even after the film has finished its screening in cinemas.

According to fans, one of the many reasons why the film has been getting popular even after its screening, is because of the fact that rap-rave duo Die Antwoord stars in it.

The group, composed of Yolandi Visser and Ninja, play an important role in the film as robot Chappie's guardians. Despite the film being their first time to participate in a major motion picture, some hardcore fans say that their performance seemed as if they have been doing acting for a long time.

Their co-star Barndon Auret begs to differ, however, as he has previously expressed his sentiments about the group and how working with them was.

Interviewed by News24, Auret did not seem to hold back with his comments about the two.

"I don't care much for him, I don't care much for his band, I don't care much for anything that he does," the actor saif. "When somebody comes and feels that they have the right to tell you how to do your job, when they have no right to talk to me about acting."

After watching the interview, fans assumed that the 42-year-old actor basically tells the public that the two are arrogant, when it comes to dealing with other actors and actresses on set. Auret plays Lord Hippo in the film, a notorious drug lord who controls all the drug-dealing transactions locally.

Die Antwoord is known to be a group of South African rappers who made it big in the music industry with their unconventional take on their music and how they portray themselves to the public, both individually and as a group.

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