Pregnant Zooey Deschanel Distances Herself From 'New Girl' Character? Actress Reveals Her Diet Now That She Has Baby Bump

Pregnant Zooey Deschanel apparently wants to distance herself from the "adorkable" image of her character in "New Girl." The would-be mom also revealed her diet now that she has a baby bump.

In an interview with Huffington Post, she said, "I don't always identify, perhaps, with the way that I'm portrayed in certain public contexts. I try to stay away from that sort of thing."

Zooey Deschanel has perfected the image of "adorkable," which has served her in good stead such as the success of "500 Days of Summer," for instance.

Speaking of Zooey Deschanel's image, the pregnant actress said, "That was something that was calculated, you know what I mean?"

"That was our marketing department at Fox and they did a really good job with our first season, but that's a word that describes the character that I play, not me. I don't personally have identification with that word myself," she added.

However, "New Girl" actress Zooey Deschanel claimed that she doesn't really care much about image or the kind of marketing label that she's become associated with.

"I know that sounds crazy because you're supposed to care about what people think of you, I guess, as an actor, but I really don't," she added.

Meanwhile, during a guesting at "Jimmy Kimmel Live," Zooey Deschanel talked about her diet now that she has a baby bump.

Zooey Deschanel and Jacob Pechenik announced their baby bump back in January. The couple decided to forego knowing the sex of the baby, expecting the delivery to be a surprise.

The actress also claimed that she's trying to follow a diet concentrated on vegetables, even if she's not strictly a vegan because of her pregnancy. She said that she had to drop coffee, wine and soft cheeses from her diet, which she misses so much.

"You can't eat so many things when you're pregnant," Zooey Deschanel added.

Zooey Deschanel
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