PS4 News Release; Killzone 4 To Be Announced During Feb. 20 'See The Future' Event in NYC

Recent PS4 news release reports that Killzone 4 will launch in 2013 with PS4, according to Videogamer. The game should be unveiled as early as the Feb. 20 "See The Future" event in NYC. Reports suggest that the PS4 release date will also be announced on this day.

Killzone 4 will accompanied by the release of PS4. The Killzone series has typically been launched along with Sony's new gadgets. When PS3 was released in 2006, Killzone 2 was also launched. Killzone 3 came along with Sony's PlayStation Move and 3D capability. Coming soon is Killzone Mercenary with PS Vita. Therefore, it does not appear far-fetched to follow rumors suggesting PS4 and Killzone 4 will launch side by side.

PS4 release date is expected to be around the Pre-Christmas shopping season. Reports indicate that the PS4 release date in the US and Japan will definitely be in 2013. However, an announcement from Sony on Feb. 20 is expected to shed light on the precise date the ground-breaking PS4 can be expected. One thing seems certain to tech experts--the Sony device will not be cheap. A projected $430 or more is the likely price of the gaming device.

The PS4 release date has been a hot topic for gamers for more than one year. "Nikkei Business Daily," a Japanese publication confirms that Sony will be announcing the official release date on Feb. 20. Another major Japanese publication, "The Asahi Shimbun," claims that PlayStation 4 will go for 40,000 yen, which is estimated at $430.

"When major Japanese newspapers like Asahi or Nikkei run rumors, they are usually pretty solid," blogger Brian Ashcraft wrote for the tech blog Kotaku "Thing is, there's not much here that hasn't already been leaked before."

"The price point doesn't seem rock solid," Ashcraft wrote. "Remember how much the original PS3 cost? The 20GB version was US$499, while the 60GB version was $599. Now the Asahi News is saying PS4 will cost over $400. That's not only kind of vague, but rather obvious!"

Although the price of the Sony device seems hefty, also agrees that a price change may be in the works that considering the tech specs and innovations the PS4 brings.

"[A] $400 price tag for the PS4 would see Sony selling the console at a considerable loss," the publication expressed.

Catch the Feb. 20 announcement in NYC at 6PM EST.

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