Egyptian Court Orders YouTube Access Blocked For a Month

Egyptian government was ordered by a Cairo court to block access to YouTube on Saturday.

The ban will last for 30 days for hosting an anti-Islamic film that resulted in deadly riots across the Middle East that led to the death of more than 50 people.

Judge Hassouna Tawfiq ordered YouTube blocked for carrying the film, which he described as "offensive to Islam and the Prophet (Muhammad)."

The 14 minute trailer for "Innocence of Muslims" portrays Muhammad as a religious fraud and pedophile.

Last year Google declined requests to remove the video from the website, however restricted access to it in certain countries, including Egypt, Libya and Indonesia.

The ruling can be appealed and similar orders in the past have not been enforced in Egypt due to high costs.

In other related cases filed are against the government and Google. The cases raise concerns ove one's freedom of speech.

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