Charlie Sheen Pleads Former LAPD Suspect Christopher Dorner to Call [VIDEO]

Actor Charlie Sheen sent a message to the former LAPD officer Christopher Dorner wanted for killing three people to call him.

Sheen pleads in a personal video that he posted on the internet for Dorner to call him.

In the video Sheen states, "You mentioned me in your manifesto, so thank you for your kind words. I am urging you to call me."

He adds, "Let's figure out together how to end this thing. Call me. I look forward to talking to you." The video was posted Saturday on TMZ.

The manhunt for Dorner continues as thousands of armed police officers swarm throughout California, Nevada, Arizona and northern Mexico.

Fans expressed their opinion on Twitter as a user states, "Charlie Sheen is reaching out to Chris Dorner... Lord have mercy, could this get any crazier?"

Charlie Sheen
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