NASA Reveals Nemo Path Seen From Space [PHOTO]

NASA's GOES-13 satellite shared a photo Saturday of the winter storm "Nemo." The picture was released along with the toll of at least nine deaths.

The massive winter storm emerged as a result of two separate storms merged into one over the East Coast of the U.S. The photo reveals the enormous size that is seen from space.

According to NASA "The satellite image, captured at 9:01 a.m. EST, shows clouds associated with the western frontal system stretching from Canada through the Ohio and Tennessee valleys, into the Gulf of Mexico. The comma-shaped low pressure system located over the Atlantic, east of Virginia, is forecast to merge with the front and create a powerful nor'easter."

New York City airports resumed flights late Saturday while Boston's Logan airport remained closed. "This is going to go on for a number of days," Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy said in a news statement Saturday. "This will not all be done today."

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