William Shatner Call JJ Abrams a 'Pig' for 'Star Wars' Franchise

William Shatner called JJ Abrams a "pig" for directing both "Star Wars" franchise.

"He's being a pig," William Shatner told Movie Fanatic. "He's collecting the two franchises and holding them close to his vest. He's probably the most talented director of that ilk that we have, but he's gone too far this time."

Shatner and Abrams clashed after Abrams took over the "Star Trek" franchise. In 2008 there was speculation that Shatner's Captain Kirk would appear in the rebooted "Star Trek," however the duo wasn't able to reach an agreement.

Shatner added, "I think of him as a buddy of mine. I've taken him out for sushi. I think it's time for J.J. and I to have another sushi and let me put him straight about two of the largest franchises-and not employing me in either one of them is just foolhardy."

The second "Star Trek" series is to hit theaters, Abrams jumped and took the job as director of the "Star Wars" franchise with "Star Wars: Episode VII."

William Shatner
JJ Abrams
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