Miley Cyrus Valentines Day Plans Include Liam Hemsworth, Not Ed Westwick: Despite Rumors, Tweets She's 'Never Been With Ed W' [VIDEO]

Miley Cyrus's Valentine's Day plans include her fiancé Liam Hemsworth, not "Gossip Girl" star Ed Westwick, thank you very much.

The star, who was photographed in a car with Westwick late night on February 7, took to Twitter to respond to what she called the "cheat allegations."

"Hope you find love one day but can you not f**k with mine?" Cyrus wrote in a Twitter rant to celebrity blogger Perez Hilton that has since been removed from the site, according to IBTimes. "I've never been [with] Ed W in my life. I was at the studio last night working on my record and never left with anyone other than my assistant."

Yet photos published on Hilton's blog show Miley and her best friend and assistant Cheyne Thomas in a car with Westwick, who plays the character of Chuck Bass on the CW's "Gossip Girl."

"It's crazy enough that Leighton Meester is dating Adam Brody, but now we spy her Gossip Girl co-star in the same car as Miley Cyrus!?!" Perez wrote on his blog Friday afternoon. "Did the Mileybird just up and decide it was time to bounce on fiancé Liam Hemsworth??"

Cyrus, who seemed to feel Perez broke a promise to her, continued her Twitter tirade against Hilton.

"What happened to your big enlightenment?" Miley asked Hilton. "What happened to your promise to spread love not lies. And to be a decent human being with values and morals???"

She added:

"Dude you ask for people to respect you and your relationships I demand the same were the first one to write about my engagement and my wedding and how happy you are for me and the first to try to tear [up] my life."

Now that Cyrus has gotten that all off of her chest, maybe she can enjoy a little Valentines Day passion with her "Hunger Games" hunk.

Although there is no word how Ed Westwick will be spending the holiday, the actor has been known to be fairly apathetic about Valentines Day.

Back in 2011 he told BANG Showbiz he was skipping V-Day.

"Why would I care? I'm having a fantastic time, I've got a great character in a great cast and I'm in New York City."

Check out this Valentine's Day message from Miley:

Miley Cyrus
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