Pitt, Jolie Breath Mints Fiasco: What Was Brad Thinking?

Brad Pitt gave Angelina Jolie breath mints for Valentines Day.

In a move that stinks worse than he says his wife's breath does, Pitt gave Jolie the breath mints as a joke an inside source told US Weekly.

"It is sort of a joke---and not," an insider told Us Weekly. "He always teases her that she has bad breath."

The source added that Pitt, the star of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and "Moneyball," "will also get [Jolie] something more serious."

More serious than breath mints? That's setting the bar pretty high.

Maybe Pitt could try making up for the breath mint fiasco by getting his movie star wife and international sex symbol Jolie a nice bottle of wine.

Bloomberg reported Friday that Pitt and Jolie are going into business as winemakers. The superstar couple will produce wine from the 1,000-acre Pitt, Jolie wine estate in Provence, France.

"If you knew Brad and Angelina, you would see they are in search of perfection in everything," winemaker Marc Perrin, who is joining Pitt and Jolie in the venture, told Bloomberg.

In Pitt's case, that seems to be especially true in the search for minty-fresh breath perfection.

Brad Pitt
Angelina Jolie
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