Can't Block YouTube According to Egypt Telecoms, 'Collective Punishment'

Egypt's telecommunications ministry said that it can't block YouTube as it files an appeal to reverse a court order to ban YouTube for 30 days.

Last week, a judge ordered the government to block access to the video-sharing website for hosting an anti-Islamic film that resulted in deadly riots across the Middle East last year.

The ministry said that because of the high technical costs and that it cannot legally monitor the content of social media websites it cannot block access to YouTube.

It won't be able to block YouTube without also affecting Google's search, something the telecommunications agency is not keen on doing partly because they believe it could actually incur more costs.

YouTube has already taken further steps to censor itself, restricting access to the film in certain countries, including Egypt, Libya and Indonesia because it broke local laws. Just in case the agency's stand against blocking YouTube is circumvented, a civil rights group has filed an appeal on the ruling.

The Association for Freedom of Thought and Expression said it had also filed an appeal, calling the verdict "collective punishment."

Past similar orders banning websites deemed offensive were similarly not been enforced in Egypt.

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